For the last few years, Campus Web Solutions has been working with Site Factory Managers from all organizations across campus on transitioning away from our deprecated content management system, Omni Update Campus. As of June 30th, 2021, all sites that were created using this content management system, and several others that utilized various files and scripts created specifically for Omni Update, are no longer publicly accessible.
In June 2019, Omni Update sites were no longer editable using the Omni Update Campus content management system. A few departments were able to make updates as necessary using FTP/SSH access. At this time, there were hundreds of Omni Update sites that were in different states of transition or slated to be removed (quite a few of these sites were staging or development sites).
Between June 2019 and the end of 2020, many transitions were made and other sites were deemed no longer needed and deleted. At the start of this year, with leadership from the greater Project Genesis team, we made the push to completely eliminate what was left. We thank the campus, especially the Site Factory Mangers, for working with us as this effort forged on.
All site factory managers and site owners (if known) were contacted regularly leading up to the archival date. By the time June 30th rolled around, we had 22 sites remaining from various departments, including ITS. These 22 sites were archived and removed from public access. ITS will continue to house the archives for an unspecified amount of time. During this time, a site owner can request their archived (tar) files.