Please be advised that the Campus CMS (Acquia) will be undergoing a planned maintenance on July 21st 2018. The update will include the following additions and bug fix.
The default profile will now have a MegaNav option. First, the new menu will need to be built out. There are specifications to follow as special column entries are needed. Then, the default menu will need to be disabled and the meganav menus will need to be enabled. Instructions can be found on the MegaNav Menu page.
Hybrid Theme
A new theme that is known as "UC Riverside Drupal Theme #1" is now available. This can be updated in the Appearance tab if you have the appropriate permissions. Please update with caution as some blocks will need to be replaced after the switch. If you have questions, email the CMS admin.
Trumba Module
The Trumba Module has been added to the profile. It is turned off by default. If needed, the module can be turned on by the CMS admin.
Bug Fixes
- Menu wrapping: When too many items were added to the menu, it would wrap and cover the breadcrumbs. This bug has been fixed.