The August update with be released on Saturday, the 22nd, starting at 6am. Please do not edit your websites during the release period. To know when the change has been completed, visit TechAlerts.
UCR rebranding Phase 2 Group 1
- Font family for most content has been changed to Fira Sans. This affects paragraph and header text.
- Headers (h1-h6) will be using the new UCR blue brand color (#003DA5)
- Official blue (#003DA5) and official gold (#FFB81C) added to color palettes where applicable.
- New and updated styles in the WYSIWYG editor for unordered lists and line separators.
- Link color updated to red (#F4002B).
- The search pop up window has now been given an updated look.
- Table headers will use the official blue (#003DA5) color.
- Breadcrumbs background using official blue and separators have been replaced with “>>”.
New Feature
Installed and enabled Media Entity File Replace module for documents. This module adds an option to overwrite the original file so that the naming convention will remain the same. For more information on how to use this new feature please see Deleting, Removing, and Replacing Files.
Module Updates
Updated Webform (Version: 8.x-5.19), Captcha (Version: 8.x-1.1), and ReCaptcha (Version: 8.x-3.0) modules to most recent stable release.
Bug Fixes
Fixed breadcrumbs alignment issue on latest version of Chrome.
Downgraded Protected Pages module to Version: 8.x-1.1 to allow media downloads. Applicable to sites who have Protected Pages enabled.