For the February sprint release, sites will be split into two batches; the same batches from January's release. If you are curious to know when your site will be updated with the latest features, please either reach out to your site manager.
First batch of sites will be updated on Saturday, February 25th starting at 6am. Second batch of sites will be updated on Saturday, March 4th starting at 6am. Please refrain from editing your sites over the weekend of its update.
- Fix applied to embedded videos within different containers. For example, in a dynamic column, videos would overflow their container. The fix applied will make the embed be responsive to the container.
- Feed issue occurred on BCOE sites and there was an unexpected error. Relative URLs used in the "Read More" link were breaking the feed. This will be corrected with the February sprint release.
- Expanding cards tablet view correction for display of 3-4 in a row.
- Expanding cards will now open automatically open via anchor links as accordions do.
- Sticky navigation covering anchor links fix.
- Accessibility improvement on the CNAS Theme for color contrast on the notice that is displayed when no articles appear on the /articles page.
- Header video aspect ratio adjustment.
- On the news profile, images used in the News Stories on InsideUCR will now be displayed in the article.
- On the news profile, the drop cap style will be applied even if the article begins with an image.
- All sites had a "Skip to Main" option for accessibility, however, the markup was not ideal and some sites didn't pass the requirement of how this should be coded. The "Skip to Main" option is now ID differently.