
External RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds can be imported and displayed on a Drupal site. These will display similarly to the internal events and articles auto blocks. Multiple feeds can be imported. You can display more than one feed on a page, however, you cannot combine them into one block through Drupal.

Add a Feed

  1. Navigate to Content -> Feeds
  2. Click "+ Add Feed"
  3. Give the feed a title and add in the feed URL
    The feed URL must be the page of the xml code and not the URL of the page the feed is displaying on.
    For example,, is the correct URL for the UCR News feed.
    (Note: If importing the old UCRToday feeds, you will need to use "http" and not "https" as the URL.)
    To add your internal Drupal news feed use the following url [sitename]/news/rss.xml
  4. Click "Save and Import" 
  5. The feed has now been saved and imported and a node has been created. 

The feed imports the latest 20. Feeds that have been added can be viewed and edited under Content -> Feeds.

Create Feed Display

A Feed Display is a custom block. This custom block can only be created once a Feed has been added.

  1. Go through Structure -> Block Layout -> Custom Block Library - > Add Custom Block.
  2. Select the block, "Feed Display".
  3. Give your feed display a block description.
  4. Feed Info: select the feed to display (the list will show all feeds added), select an amount of items to display, and optionally add a More link if you want people to get to the news site or the full external feed.
  5. Introduction: optionally add information above your feed
  6. Click "Save".

Place Feed on a Basic Page

Once an RSS feed has been added, a new Feed Display block can be created and placed on a Basic Page through Layout.

  1. Navigate to your page and click the "Layout" tab.
  2. Select the section and region where the Feed Display should be placed and click "Add Block". 
  3. In the side panel, search for the title of the Feed Display you want to place, to select the feed block, click on it.
  4. Decide whether or not to display the title and click Add/Save. 
  5. Save the page in Layout. 

UCR Drupal Feeds of Interest

UCR News Feeds

From the UCR News site, there are several feeds that can be pulled into your own site. Please note that "tags" do not have an associated feed.

  • All news stories:
  • By Topic:[INSERT TOPIC]/rss.xml
    • Example:
    • Example:
  • By Custom Category:[INSERT CUSTOM CATEGORY]/rss.xml

Other UCR Drupal Site Feeds

RSS Feeds exist for each Article Content Type within a site. These feeds have a path associated to the Article Type at "/articletype/feed". For ALL articles, "/articles/feed" can be appended to the root URL. 

  • For Article Type:[INSERT ARTICLE TYPE]/feed
  • For ALL articles regardless of article type:

For example, this site,, uses a blog. The blog feed's path is

Some websites may have Article Categories as feeds. Currently, this is a manual process, so it will not work on all sites. 

  • For Article Category feeds:[INSERT CATEGORY]/feed
    • Example on websites:

Aggregating Multiple Feeds into One Block 

Multiple feeds can be aggregated to display on one block within Drupal. Learn how to combine feeds and display them on your site!