Summer 2024 Release
Release is scheduled for July 29th until August 2nd by organization groups. Accessibility updates including new way to report accessibility barriers.

November 2023 Release
UCR News articles now display the RSS Feeds it displays in. Color contrast ratio and aria label accessibility improvements.

August 2023 Release
Changes going into this month's release include bug fixes, enhancements, and accessibility improvements.

July 2023 Release
Several accessibility enhancement and a better UI for editing the Feeds Display when selecting a single or multiple feed view.

May 2023 Sprint Release
Update will include changes on the site search results page, a fix for a timeout issue on CTAs, and accessibility enhancements on the template

Changelog #43 - March 12 2022
New options for the bubble grid, info cards, and expanding cards. Accessibility enhancements will also improve visitor experience.

Changelog #42 - February 5 2022
This month’s release is scheduled to deploy to Production on Saturday, February 5th, starting at 6am. It is advised to refrain from editing during the update. Please check Tech Alerts to see when the deploy has concluded. Accessibility Improvements Accessibility: Color Contrast on pull or block quote. Font color for the block quote option has...

Changelog #41 - December 11 2021
Last sprint release of 2021. Aria label, target attributes, line height spacing, and alt text

Changelog #40 - November 20 2021
Caching delays, feed import issues, and images overflowing containers have been fixed. New accessibility enhancements and a change in filename protocol when uploading files.

Changelog #39 - October 16 2021
Making the jump from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9. Accessibility improvements and auto mailto is back!